As a child I often heard my mother and father say that when one door closes that God will always open another. I became a teenager, and had normal tiff's with girlfriends and Mom would say "I know you are upset Just remember that when one door closes another one will open." This pertains to friends as well she said. She always told me that things may happen that we just don't understand, and never may. Mom also said that God puts people in our paths for a reason, even if it is for a short time.
With this being said, I know she is right. We moved to a small town where I knew not a single person. Not but a week after moving we had gotten temporary custody of our nephew for about 6 months. Anyway for the sake of heartache, I wont go into all the details. Anyway, he went back to his very young mother. I was so devastated, I thought the world was ending. I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep, I could barley breath. My husband kept reminding me for weeks that I had to get up and that I was still a mother and we had a son that needed me. I mustered up all I could within me. He suggested that I go to a spa, a tanning bed, get my nails done... anything to just get moving and pampered. I love to tan so I went to a local tanning bed. There she was!
I went in and here is this woman, that was so friendly I had initially thought Oh God, WHY IS SHE SO STINKIN NICE? I tanned we had small talk... I left and kept thinking God she WAS TOO sweet... I thought it was almost sick... It was me though, I was angery at the ENTIRE world! It really wasn't her!
I continued tanning and when I would go in she would would ALWAYS give a very cheerful Hello! We began to make small talk and we would chat... then one day we just talked and talked. It seemed as though I had known her forever. We had so much in common... We even like "Granny clothes".... LOL! Remember Shopping Lizza? I still think those outfits were for you!
I got a job working with her, and weve continued to remain friends. I never in a million years would know how important she would be to me in my life. My husband was getting ready to leave to Afghanistan and I was ALONE... (Or so I thought) At the same time he was getting ready to leave my nephew and his new baby brother were going to come and live with us. What would I do. I was sending my husband overseas and becoming a caregiver to two very young and needy children. The oldest had a lot of problems, due to his bio mom. I had no idea what was in store. She immediately stepped up and offered to help in any way she could. Sent a special card, that to this day makes me cry. She acknowledged thta she knew I was going to be there for the children even though it would be tough without my husband. Even though no one really understood, she still stood by me. Not knowing what I was really feeling she still let me lean on her.
We made it a weekly habit to go to a local resturaunt every tuesday evening, it was alot of fun, the kids all got along and ate very well. It was so nice to visit with a adult and the kids. She in more ways then one helped me through Tom being gone and the boys coming to live with us.
She was a emotional backbone for me when mine was mushy, I could call her late at night and she would NEVER get mad. I cant even think of the conversations we had about the babys.
Time has moved on and the boys are now legally ours and even though I don't see Lizza as much I know she loves us all.As much as we love and miss her, which is alot!
I guess mom was right, I was loosing my hubby to fight a war, while I had one going on at home. Lizza was there in "battle gear" fighting with me to keep me sane. She was put into my life when I needed a friend close by that I could confide in, laugh with, and lean on. The day I met her changed me forever. God gave me a friend! I love you Lizza Jane!
She sent this to me today, I am passing it to all those I love....
One morning you will never wake up, do all your friends Know you love them?
I was thinking...I could die today, tomorrow or next week, and I wondered if I had any wounds needing to be healed, friendships That needed rekindling
Three words needing to be said. Let every one of Your friends know you love them.
Even if you think they don't love you back,
You would be amazed at what those three little words and a smile can do.
Just in case GOD calls me home before I see you again....... Live today to the fullest because tomorrow is not promised. Know that your loved!