Tom and I... Love this picture!
I know so many have been wondering where I have been and what I have been up to.

I hated the wallpaper in the kitchen so it is currently being transformed~
The boy's hanging out in the living room, wanting everything over with! Ofcoarse I was having a bit of fun saying Hi to Tom~ Via email and pictures... Looking at the pic's though I see some weight disappering WOOOOOO HOOOOO!
The dining room before it was finished!

I know so many have been wondering where I have been and what I have been up to.
The long version would take days to type out. So In a "nutshell! The kids have all been overwhelmed and miserable missing Dad, and bust running between 2 homes! Dieting at the same time! WHEWW!
1. Tom left Jan 2, 46 days since I have seen him :(

2. Bought a house right before he left.Even though I initially wanted to wait. Have loved this house for years, and we knew the previous owners, so we know it's history as well.
3. Jan 6Th Had an accident Hit a deer and ran off the road and tore up my van by hitting a farmers fence and dragging it for a bit so deep scratches all the way from the front to the back, on the passenger side, as well as the front window. Deers hoofs were in the windshield right in my sons face!
Good news is that NO one was injured. Deer ran away but may have been hurt and died?? I just don't know. It made me sad and we were ALL shaken up.
4. Have had crappy weather and the adjuster couldn't get to look at damages until the 17Th of January. I could deal with that, I could one, Drive my van and look at how ugly it was but be reminded of how lucky we all were,: or 2 Drive hubby's gas sucking SUV. I choose the van. LOL!
I hated the wallpaper in the kitchen so it is currently being transformed~

5. Hired a painter for the dining room, and brother in law to gut the bathroom! ( which was AWFUL! .. The bathroom was that is!)
6. January 21st MLK Day... A 3 days before getting my van fixed from deer damage, I was hit on by a woman hitting me head on. There were witnesses, they all stated she was talking on her cell phone and not watching were she was going and swerved into my lane, which was a turn lane to turn left. She was also speeding and I was completely STOPPED!~ This time we were not as lucky.
7. Burns from the seat belt, and back pain! Kids are all OK! Ride in the ambulance wasn't fun, but things could have been MUCH worse and I am thankful they were not!
8. Trying to remodel a bathroom... SUCKS! Thank God My BIL is a dry~waller.
He gutted the whole thing went and got what we needed and redid it all, INCLUDING paint!
9. While van was in route to storage for Insurance adjusters, the tow guy destroyed the back end! EWWW! I have had enough! Not to mention that they are denying it, and also took it to be auctioned~ Still waiting on outcome but my van Is fixed!
10. Moved on the 23rd, had a small birthday throw together since everyone was here, showered, packed; left the next morning for Hilton Head South Carolina! Drove straight through... What was I thinking? Arrived at Approx 2:30 am and the boys wanted to take a "bath" in the jacuzzi! Spent the rest of the time with Tom who had a pass from Ft Stewart, GA before leaving to Iraq
:( Spent time site seeing and lots of time at the ocean! 
Now, I have to UNPACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help?! This really doesnt do the house justice, we just have path's carved through the rooms!