I can hardly believe it is almost Thanksgiving! I am really looking forward to it! We are having some really great friends, and Tom's mom over and planning a HUGE meal! I can HARDLY wait! I love fall and the beauty of the colors but now it is all faded away and the trees are almost bare so I have the picture to remind me of home and the beauty of the season!
Opening day for Deer was Saturday.... Josh got his first deer and according to hubby it was a nice one. I just could cry though... I don't think Bambi should EVER, EVAH, EVAH,EVAH have to be killed... Joshua was SUPER excited! I am happy that he had a good day hunting with his DAD! That will be a memory he will always have!
Boy's will be boys and I just can't believe my little ( But bigger then me) baby is growing up SO fast! I could just CRY! Yet I am so proud of him... Even though I will NOT eat the meat! EWW~
Can you believe I posted 2 days in a row? LOL!!!!
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