Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Here is a quick update,

Last friday I spilled paint on the office floor...

Saturday we went to my MIL's to help her move Tom's sister stuff out of of her apartment. WAS NOT FUN!

Sunday our washer broke, Tom fixed it...

As soon as I started the dryer it broke.... Tom fixed it too....

Tom left Monday and the world seems like it has fallen down around me. I will survive though!

I went to Dr. yesterday with a double ear infection and bronchitis... Not to mention the nurse gasped and said your temprature is 103.2..Did you know you were running a temp?... YES, I KNEW I HAD A FEVER! I am feeling a little better today, enough so that I made a cake for the kids and for Tom who is sneaking off post tonight... HE! HE! HE! So far it is still intact and the kids are staying out of it! So tonight we will have lots of family time and I am sure a sugar buzz! Might even throw in a few Christmas special's.

Even better I did get a new purse from someone who makes them online! LOVE IT!


  1. Glad to hear you are feeling better!

    P.S. Can we get a pic of the new bag?! And where did you find such a cute deal?!

  2. Lordy.

    I swear to you that I am mentally deficient...I TOTALLY saw that before! My mind categorized that as something other than a purse when I looked at it the first time. Very ctue and fitting!!!

    Is there a particular web-site that it came from?

    (I'm always thinking about you guys with your mans overseas...take care of yourself, hon)

  3. So it happened. I hope you're doing okay.

    Since you have read many of the early chapters, I wanted to let you know I posted the title chapter last night—a couple more chapters will wrap it up and I’ll be getting back to “normal” at POI.

  4. I am new to your blog...
    That cake looks delicious. I am now craving chocolate.
    I LOVE that purse.
    On a more serious note, although I don't know the details of your husband's departure, I will say a prayer for you and check back here for updates.
