Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Calgon.... Take me away!!!!

I really do miss my husband when he is gone! It has been almost 1 week. I have been through much worse then this, however this is the first time he has left for almost a year. I am so used to him "entertaining" the little guys while i get dinner ready, and he isnt here.

Last week he came home from work around lunchtime, as he knew he was leaving so that he could spend some family time with us. Well the boys were acting as they do EVERYDAY and he says to me... Are you ready for this? He said, "Sheesh are they like this everday?" I replied , "Dont you listen to me?" This from a guy who lovingly asks me how my day was every evening during dinner. He told the 4 year old that if he knew he was going to act the way he was he would have stayed at work! UGH!!!!!! He said they were overwhelming him. Maybe he needs to stay home with them and Icould go back to work! HA!! HA !!! I think men should endure what a SAHM does for one WHOLE WEEK! They would be so much more understanding!

The boys have been having a real tough time with dad being gone this time, and have been clingy, whiny and fighting about everything!

I would really like to curl up and relax, watch some t.v. and if I doze off and take a nap that would be ok too! Even a bath with bubbles and a book would be nice. You know though what I would get though right?
Kids prying my eyes open saying Mom are you awake? ( I would be then) Or??? they would be right out the bathroom door screaming MOMMMMMMM are you DONEEEEE??????? MOMMMMMMMMMM Can I come in????????

Someone just throw me some Calgon, I am going IN!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I am praying for you Christal! There are days I wish that I was a SAHM! Enjoy it!! Keep your head up and a smile on your face! Your Tom will be home soon.
