Wednesday, July 19, 2006


It never fails that when Tom is away something happens. My life turns upside down and inside out. Or so it seems. Last night our 4 year old was playing with his brothers and I kept telling them careful, stop running, not so rough it is close to bedtime so settle down... You know how it is! Someone ALWAYS seems to get hurt, especially when they are this wired!! It happened too! The 4 year old starts SCREAMING..... and there was blood gushing from his nose....or was it his mouth? Off to the restroom to get cleaned up. UGH!!! It is his mouth and his nose. I panic in situations such as these, I have a weak stomach when I see blood! So now I am asking or was I yelling at my 13 year old what happened, and such while cleaning the lil guy up. He wiped out on his face from jumping on the bed mom.. After cleaning him up I can see the damage. He has slit or gashed his lip in 2 spots and his upper gum is still bleeding. Now I feel quesy!!! After a few minutes I decide a trip to the ER is in order. Getting there was and ordeal in its own. It was pouring and hailing HARD!! I have never been inside a vehicle while it hailed and let me tell you children screaming and the radio can NOT drown the sound out! The 4 year old is afraid of storms so it made for a fun trip! Arrive at ER safe and waited for 2 hours to be seen, by now I could have just went home. The Doc came in and said the lip is starting to grow back together already and they will "glue it together!" Waiting 2 hours for glue??? UGH!!! While I was glad to not have had him look like "Stitch" I am still not convinced this was the answer, so only time will tell! I wonder though if he will settle down when I ask the next time?
Who am I kidding????? He is a 4 year old little boy, with LOTS and LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of energy! Wish me luck today. We have to call the dentist as his tooth is loose from the fall!


  1. Hello!
    Oh my goodness you had a FUN night! Would love to know what the dentist says. BOYS! Whata do? They have to do something with all that energy... The last ER trip I took, I had both the boys and they were chasing eachother with the waterhose outside, my son ran into the house and JJ ran in after him (with the hose) and my son slamed the door shut right when JJ came up the stairs... and JJ's hand went right through the glass door. He hit it HARD.. glass flew everywhere and they were BOTH cut. Both got the "glue" treatment once we got there.. and of course, my husband was flying the blue skys and wouldnt be home until the next day!

  2. I guess i will need to blog how I survive everyday! Life is so crazy here at our house! We somehow manage though!
