Sunday, December 16, 2007
Fun Tree Topper
Do you know that I have NEVER EVAH seen one though! I am sure that my fellow Snowmen lovers out there can agree!
Alas, until now!!!!!
I give you Mr. Snowman, that is what the kids are calling him! Sorry this first picture is a little fuzzy but, keep looking! :)
I made him all by myself.... Which makes me very happy and proud! I can hardly wait to turn the tree on and see his body glisten.... ( Used clear sparkly glitter spray paint to get that effect), Looks just like fresh fallen snow~However I know that you can see it in the pictures!
The HARDEST part was waiting on the gorilla glue to dry and hold all the dowel rods firm! Oh the anticipation was BRUTAL! All and all it was a lot of fun and I am very thankful that he turned out so Darn cute! BTW.... EAT YOUR SNOW HEART OUT LIZZA! ;) LOL! You know I love ya!
Friday, December 14, 2007
A Peice of Me
By the way, I love SNOWMEN.... Notice the cute snowman garland? I totally took the tree apart last night and redid the whole entire thing! LOL :) The things that you do when the kids are in bed sound asleep and you are lonely and have a big empty bed to fall into! Oh, I miss Tom!
As a child I grew up as a preachers ( PK for short) daughter, things were hard. My father was assistant pastor of our small hometown church and he always wanted to stress the importance of the meaning of Christmas. My mother and father disagreed alot on whether to give us girls presents. Dad thought that something small and simple and inexpensive was the way to go... He didn't want to feed into a mass frenzy of loosing the TRUE meaning of Christmas.
Mom always wanted to decorate elaborately, and give us lots of gifts. In turn she did what she wanted and this caused ALOT of fighting between them at Christmas. Which has caused problems for me that have lasted since childhood. I dreaded Christmas as a child because there would always be yelling and fighting for ones beliefs. I can NOT say that either of them were wrong but there should have been some compromise. There was also the fact that there was not alot of money because my mom is a shopper... ALL year round! So at Christmas she maxed out credit cards and then more fighting about bills coming in. However the truth is that she never bought us much..She spent it on other things... FOR the HOUSE!. IT was the decorations, the place mats,tablecloths, the garland, the wreaths the ELABORATE dinner complete with Fine China. Which I may add she bought a new set EVERY year. Inviting friends over and shooing us kids away, but NOT with out hearing her say... Oh look at what I bought~ She always has been about showing off. Spending well beyond the means of Dad's income. Don't get me wrong I love both of my parents but to say the least I do not have the best relationship with my mom.
To me every year I walk through the stores and feel anxiety sweep over me like I know the past will repeat. It DOESN'T! ( The past). It is completely opposite. My husband LOVES the holidays and likes to pick fun things out to decorate with... WITHIN reason. Not to mention we buy alot of things the day after Christmas for the following year. I guess what I am saying is that the holidays have always been hard for me. I remember too much from a child. So, in turn when I hear Christmas music on the radio, and start seeing the decorations come out at the store I kinda shut down. That is totally unfair and something I have worked on for the last several years. I have gotten alot better at not getting sad or anxious about the holidays and now I even laugh at the Charlie Brown Specials , and Rudolph and Frosty..... We couldn't even watch those as a child, because it was not what the meaning of Christmas was.
I am constantly reminding myself that I do NOT have to repeat what my parents did through the holidays and make my children suffer and not have fun. I force myself at times to get into the spirit, and have fun. It IS becoming more natural. Which makes me VERY happy.
I love to see the boy's faces light up when the tree is complete and we decorate with snowmen and holiday globes and even Rudolph and the Snow Miser and Heat Miser... ( TOM'S FAVORITES). I love it when the kids and Tom walk around singing "Put one foot in front over the other".... Or "Rudolph the Red nosed reindeer had a very shiny nose"......
We have some of our own traditions now, like making monkey bread on Christmas Eve morning, making Christmas cookies, and watching A Christmas Story, and Its a Wonderful life... WHICH I LOVE BUT TEND TO USUALLY FALL ASLEEP THROUGH! Most of all were a family, that is what matters, and that it is a happy time for the children.
I CAN NOT always live in the past holidays from my childhood, and I refuse to let that consume me. It is NOT easy but IT IS WORTH IT.... Watching the kids faces opening gifts, Reading The Night Before Christmas and even about The birth of Baby Jesus. They even get excited about our simple nativity display. They get very excited and we ALWAYS tell him "Happy birthday" on Christmas!
They get the best of both worlds, and parents that don't fight about the holidays....
After all, isn't this supposed to be a happy, and FUN time of year????????????
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Finding Joy
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
I am completely overwhelmed. I started this whole thing with finding something EVERYDAY that I am thankful for.... However!
Today, Life just has fizzed and to be blunt IT SUCKS!
Our computer has been acting dumb and caught some INCURABLE virus and we decided to take the plunge and brake down and get a new one. I have to figure out Vista Shimishta. Hopefully I will be able to add photos when I add them to this new computer which I might learn to like.... I just found comfort like an old shoe in my old one. The keys seemed to fit my fingertips and everything! I will be okay. I just feel a bit dizzy. Thank God we could get a new one and not pay for it until after the holidays.
Matters only seemed to get a bit more fun (sarcastically speaking) when the phone rang and it was the big guys from the commander, Hubby now has to report MONDAY! I know that I can find comfort and thanks in the fact that he has been of the last week and a half HOWEVER I feel like being a CRAB! So I will say this....I AM thankful that he has been home on vacation spending time with us all!
Monday, November 26, 2007
Are you playing?
I am thankful that my husband is cook bacon and french toast!
Thankful that my children slept in a bit and are at the moment cheerful!
Don't forget to leave those comments, and I will draw a name and choose someone to send a goody to! I will draw Wednesday evening!
Isnt it Monday?
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Still looking....
This is what the holidays are ALL about. It isn't what you GET... It is WHAT Are you thankful for? It could ALL be taken away in a blink of an eye!
Think of the California fires, Hurricane Katrina, 911~ A loved one going off to war and never returning~ It could be anything~
Today, I am thankful that my hubby is STILL on vacation ( until DEC 10th) when he leaves for Iraq. I am thankful we didn't get into a fight when I rearranged the office and I broke the computer desk. He didn't get mad,and he bought some brackets and fixed it back up!
Thankfulness after Thanksgiving
Yesterday my computer crashed and hubby took it apart and read a book on how to possibly fix it. Well as you can see I am online... BUT! The computer is still not acting right~ Seems slow and like it is dying. I just would like to make it through Christmas and then I will worry about a new one. IF... it can make it~ So in any regard, I am thankful I can atleast post a bit.
The friday night after Thanksgiving, we have a tradition to go downtown to Indianapolis ( No matter how cold) and watch the lighting of the Christmas tree, and spend time with some really great friends. I am so thankful they are such good freinds and that God has put them in our lives!
Jordan was a blast too, carring her blanket everywhere to stay warm, she has a special place in my heart, and she caused a laugh too.... She was told by a man that she looked like a Native American toting her blanket. I am thankful for the face she made when he said that to us!
Just wish I had a picture of it~
I was also glad to walk through the mall with our friends and laugh at Tom... ( We wont embarass him on here, but we laughed!) The time Joey and I had walking through the stores and looking at the decor... Esp the SNOWMEN! Helping her pick her Christmas cards...
I am thankful for the time we shared,That Tom was home safe with us, and that the kids ALL got along and behaved!
Starbucks was there as well to keep us ALL warm! The gave out FREE Hot cocoa! We tried the Peppermint~
I am thankful they warmed us all up with good cheer, the FREE cocoa, and the man serving making me laugh! Oh and repeating his little dance so I could take a picture of it!
Monday, November 19, 2007
A Lil Reto Feeling!
Christain pulled out the Old VCR tapes from a long time ago! He said, "Mom, What dat?"
Deer Season~
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Big Girl Panties, Cotton Balls and Faith!
Today though I turned the T.V. on to the last channel that was on when I went to bed last night... I WANTED to wathc the weather.... BUT God had other plans!
This is what I got in the last 5 minutes of the program...
God has promised ME, I am Blessed
God has promised ME I am Strong
I CAN do all things through Christ.....
I AM a child of God,
I have talents and treasures to offer to those around me.
Here is where my Faith has to come in.... Which is filled with God's promises.
Mark 4 31-32 It is a grain of mustard seed, which, when it sown in the earth, is less than all the seeds that be in the earth:
But when it sown, it groweth up, and becomes taller than all the herbs, and shooteth out great branches; so that the fowls of the air may lodge under the shadow of it.
God says to have peace, be still he is with me... Even on days that hubby will be gone and I am lonely and people worry me about thoughts they have on him coming home. He is with me on the days the kids are running around making messes and making new ones before I get the last one cleaned up. On nights I am comforting a sick child or I can't sleep because the bed feels empty. He is always there. I have to keep that mustard seed watered so it can grow~ ALL I NEED IS FAITH THE SIZE OF A MUSTARD SEED! AND Of coarse and my Big girl panties, and cotton balls for my ears!
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Little Smiles......
Help I am in a FUNK!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Where Oh Where~
The day was so clear it was the day before I had to leave for Michigan to take them back, go to court and give them to their parents. While taking a shower the phone rang, I peeked to see if it was Tom on caller I.D. It was the boys bio mom. I started to ignore it.... Let it ring! She called again, I answered from the shower, (Speaker phone). She asked if I was sitting down, of coarse I wasn't. I was thinking GREAT.... she is pregnant or something. Only half listening to her she asked if we would adopt her boys. Okay....that got my attention... Water turned off and soap on my hair..... I asked WHAT? Making sure I heard her right, She was not comfortable with taking the boys from a safe loving home where they were growing and thriving. Nor was she ready to be responsible ( Although I think that was very mature of her to KNOW she couldn't do it).
So now a million questions were running through my head... What about court.... so on and so on. The CPS worker called me, lawyers were calling me, NOT long after she called me. Mom had asked to be the one to tell me, and then when her attorney knew she had talked to me the phone rang and rang. That day and the rest of the night are still a blur. I didn't have to pack their things up, and give them back but we still had to go to court, just for a different reason. She had been planning this for a bit so everything was set in motion.
I remember sitting in the chair at the stand ( The chair was like an office chair). I was VERY nervous. The court room was full of CASA workers, lawyers, CPS workers and so on. The parents were there, the maternal and paternal family's as well. I was asked questions about the boys and how I felt about them, how I felt about keeping them and loving them as my own. I was overwhelmed and fuzzy headed... ( I was spinning in my chair LITERALLY) After court my son and the CPS worker and Lawyer laughed and said did you realize you were spinning back and forth??? LOL?????? NERVES!
The boys were ours, after our 90 day wait....The parents had time to change their minds. ( 90 days of waiting and worrying) It was official October 10th, 2005!!!!!!
Monday, August 13, 2007
Going Home~
My son very quietly says to me, look at all the people mom, there are so many standing outside on the sidewalk and their porches. I notice there are many with their hands over their hearts, some with flags waving in their hands, and some veterans saluting.------ Now he asks me with a HUGE lump in his throat," Mom, IF something happens to Dad would people be this nice like this for him?" ( I am at a loss for words.) He then proceeds without an answer to his previous question, " Mom where would you have dad buried?" I am still stunned I cant figure out WHY he is asking these questions. I am also in AWE at the patriotism of this town, and the amount of people just waving as the cars go by. I had so many thoughts racing through my mind, I wanted to scream, WHY?! Just so you all know I was PATIENT while following the traffic in front of me now. I was crying and felt like just a big idiot.
Where WOULD I bury him, where would we live? ( We moved an hour south 4 1/2 years ago from our home town where we BOTH grew up) I started to wonder where IS home? In fact Tom and I had been looking at houses to buy and then found out he was leaving again. I FROZE, and was too scared to make that leap, to scared to find a new place and I could never figure out why... I wasn't going to move.... I have come up with SO many excuses.... Even valid ones. I have talked to ONLY two people about this, about my feelings. One being God. Looking for the right answer.
I HAVE felt so at home where we are living, feeling as though I am a grown up and have made a home for myself, my family... A place we as a family found together. I love the new friends we have made here, and miss our old friends SO much and wish ALWAYS they were closer. However WE MOVED AWAY NOT THEM! I still don't miss the town we grew up and moved from.
WONDER...............and cry at the thought... of WHAT IF????
My kids are thriving, they are grounded and we have planted roots in this town. I can't say honestly where we would be... Only God knows that. So tonight the house was quiet, I was washing dishes, and talking to God and listening to some praise and worship music. I asked God, Why and where and so on....and so on....
I came to some conclusions, I don't want to move out of fear--------Fear of making memories with Tom in a new home before he leaves and fear of him NOT coming home and remembering the memories we would create in nooks and crannies of a new home. I have seen it with my mother in law, she has wrestled with that daily since her husband passed away. I don't want to feel that way! I want to have something to look forward to when Tom is away.... and count the days down------- I want to have him come home and shop WITH me to buy our home... Is that SO BAD?????
My friend said it best.... She said whether you are here ( our former town) or our current one~IT IS HOME... Home is where my family is... My boys, my husband... They are my family and that is what makes a home. I am not supposed to think negatively about the "What If's?? I was listening to a song on the radio, it talked about finding my place in this world, and longing to find it. I just felt so at peace after hearing it I have asked... Where do I belong ALL week long!
God will give me direction, and the song is his reminder to me. All I have to do is seek him, lean on him and I WILL find my way.... my place with my ENTIRE family! I am praying for that and trusting his will! Just as I am praying for comfort for the family and friends that just lost this soldier~
Sunday, July 15, 2007
I dont like green beans!
In fact I know I dont~ Atleast not today! I have picked beans 3 times this week. My freezer is getting very full, but my hands are sore, and I am tired of picking them. UGH! Hubby is staying busy so he can't help me pick or snap or freeze!
I am really actually kind of grumpy, and I can't snap out of it! I know it wont be long and he will be gone. We are planning a vacation to Florida before he leaves but everytime we think we are ready to lock in a date then the ARMY SAYS NO! So now we just wait and WAIT!
Maybe soon we will get to see Mickey and Pooh~
I just really do not want him to leave and the only thing he keeps talking about is leaving and what he will be doing there. YES... I want to know, but I am starting to feel really aggervated, and, Dont get me wrong, I am proud of him and what he will do there. My emotions are feeling a little bit RAW!
I remember all too well what it was like when he was gone before, the missed holidays, birthdays and family get togethers. How I felt seeing other couples with their children, and at times feeling angery that I could NOT share that time with my husband. Seeing the couples laugh with their children. What he was missing as a father, that the boys were doing... 1st words and steps.. Now this time one going to Kindergarten and the other Drivers ED!
Worring on a DAILY basis that he was safe. Dreading phone calls at times. People calling asking me if he was one of the injured they heard about on the radio or T.V. AS IF I WOULD NOT TELL THEM!
I wish that I had someone who really understands! Instead of just telling me that you do...When unless you have lived it......... YOU DONT!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Blogger and Gardening!
File under another lost post! I just dont get this thing! I cant post pictures and the thing wont even save my post!
Here is VERY simple version.
Staying busy with hubby training to leave for Iraq
Kids and I go to pool when we can
Mower is being a meany again and keeps breaking
Garden is kicking my tush
Been canning cucumbers,Have 19 jars.. tomatoes are next.
Positive thing is I have 12, 1 gallon bags full of green beans in my freezer.
Josh went to Military camp, had a great time.
Kids are growing
planning a vacation before hubby leaves.
Whew... I cant type more or I may loose it all!
How is everyone?
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Crazy Busy and Chaos
We have been staying very busy with the garden which is growing beautifully. Everything is nice and green and getting tall. I can hardly wait to have fresh veggies. I am really looking forward to a summer favorite of ours here. Pasta salad with cucumbers and tomatoes. MMM MMM Good! Makes my mouth water thinking about it!
Hubby is staying busy as well with work, he has been moving his office so it has been very chaotic and busy for him. He keeps trying to learn more about leaving, and everything changes from day to day!
The boys are enjoying the summer as well as they can. Our Park pool isn't opened yet, they are fixing a leak and until then we are just out of luck. However we can still go to the base and use the pool there. I just don't know why we haven't done that yet!
Josh has had his own fun. He broke his collar bone, scapula, and acroniom. The meds make him VERY hyper and silly! We have had a MRI for extra testing. The doctor had some concerns and has run some test to make sure things are OK. We are praying for things to all work out and everything to be alright. We will know for sure soon! We go back to the specialist on Friday.
Made a trip to Michigan, what a trip it was. Neice graduated, Josh was hurt ,and the kids cried and fought off and on the whole drive. I was SO glad to be back at home!
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Gardening and Mani~pedis!
Saturday, May 19, 2007
What a weekend!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Hands and Feet, and Moms Day
I have really been thinking about this since a new blog friend brought to my attention that she thought that soldiers were like God's hands and feet. It has never been my intention to make this blog about my husband or to get pity. I did receive a few emails regarding poor me.. Anyway, I had a really busy weekend, I was sick last week, and the boys had a game Saturday and then a birthday party for a friends daughter. Hubby has been away working 12 hour shifts with 1 hour drives to and from work for a Homeland saftey mission. All I wanted today was to stay home and stay in my Jammie's. That is ALL that I wanted for moms day. I got so MUCH more. Hubby was told to celebrate moms day another day for me, I didnt want him to worry about today with his work and him being exhausted.. I DO at times TRY to baby him! Our oldest had told me he had asked Dad to take him to buy some potting soil and flowers to put in a favorite pot that is empty. It didn't happen though. Josh did however take the Lil guys upstairs and tried to get Trent to tell him why he loved me and help him write it out. I got a picture of a 4 year olds version of one single potato. He loves my potatoes and carrots. (So he says!) I will be keeping this picture for the next meal with one of these on the menu. I got a nice homemade card from Josh. He is such an artist. Christian snuck a hot dog out of the fridge while a friend and I were talking about our mothers days and kids games. I asked him what he was eating.. I got a blah and hum. ( Couldn't understand) I smelled the hot dog, and asked "Are you eating a hot dog?" He said, "No, I eat hot ruff ruff". He calls dogs Ruff Ruffs, and so that is now I assume what he call Hot dogs! From him I got laughter.
Finally, I got a great new perspective on soldiers... I had never really considered men and women out on the battle field as God's hands and feet. I am really chewing on this. My husband would not EVER consider himself a hero, not sure about God's hands or feet either. Most of the soldiers or even firemen, medics, police officers that we know don't even consider themselves heroes. I do however think that God can use someone and their ability's to help others. Doctors for the ill, Police for those who need a mediator or to help someone get back on track when they are at fault. Firemen to save a home, office or structure. So many more examples could be given. If you ask these people, any of them I can almost bet the answer to the question of being a hero would be the same.... Most don't think of themselves as Hero's. They call it their job, their duty. However, I doubt that they have been referred to as God's hands or feet. They all run/walk on tired feet to do their job, and they all use their hands to help those in need. Whether it is fighting for their country, our freedom, our safety from a burning building, or a doctor helping the sick or a surgeon repairing damaged organs or broken limbs. They may not know it but God does have a plan for us all. Hands, feet and all.
I got so much today and I did it in the comfort of my home wearing my Jammie's, snuggling on the couch watching old movies. This really was the best mothers day ever, and it cost NOTHING! A note though.. Hubby ALWAYS babies me on mothers day so he is not in the doghouse, he was doing his job being mine and YOUR protector using the hands and feet God gifted him! Thank you Michelle for the new prospective!
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
He stays up for days on end.
You take a warm shower to help you wake up.
He goes days or weeks without running water!
You complain of a "headache", and call in sick.
He gets shot at as others are hit, and keeps moving forward.
You put on your anti war/don't support the troops shirt, and go meet up
your friends.
He still fights for your right to wear that shirt.
You make sure you're cell phone is in your pocket.
He clutches the cross hanging on his chain next to his dog tags.
You talk trash about your "buddies" that aren't with you.
He knows he may not see some of his buddies again.
You walk down the beach, staring at all the pretty girls.
He patrols the streets, searching for insurgents and terrorists.
You complain about how hot it is.
He wears his heavy gear, not daring to take off his helmet to wipe his
You go out to lunch, and complain because the restaurant got your order
He doesn't get to eat today.
Your maid makes your bed and washes your clothes.
He wears the same things for weeks, but makes sure his weapons are clean.
You go to the mall and get your hair redone.
He doesn't have time to brush his teeth today.
You're angry because your class ran 5 minutes over.
He's told he will be held over an extra 2 months.
You call your girlfriend and set a date for tonight.
He waits for the mail to see if there is a letter from home.
You hug and kiss your girlfriend, like you do everyday.
He holds his letter close and smells his love's perfume.
You roll your eyes as a baby cries.
He gets a letter with pictures of his new child, and wonders if they'll
You criticize your government, and say that war never solves anything.
He sees the innocent tortured and killed by their own people and remembers
why he is fighting.
You hear the jokes about the war, and make fun of men like him.
He hears the gunfire, bombs and screams of the wounded...
You see only what the media wants you to see.
He sees the broken bodies lying around him.
You are asked to go to the store by your parents. You don't.
He does exactly what he is told,because if he doesn't...
You stay at home and watch TV.
He takes whatever time he is given to call, write home, sleep, and eat.
You crawl into your soft bed, with down pillows, and get comfortable.
He tries to sleep but gets woken by mortars and helicopters all night long.
You sit there and judge him, saying the world is probably a worse place
because of men like him.
If only there were more men like him!!!
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Flowers And Trips To The Park
Woo ~Hoo! My favorite color is purple so this is spectacular!
Dad at the park being a GIGANTIC kid!
Do their noses look yellow? Weird!
Christian wasnt sure about the slide so he decieded to go back down... then up again!
This is the slide Trent was unsure of.. He was so scared at first, would NOT let go and when he did he ended up going down about 5 more times! Yeahhhhh!!!!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Busy Busy!
Tilled garden, mowing AGAIN and AGAIN!
Still have to plant green beans, 20 tomatoe plants, peppers, green onion sets, and regular onions!
More mowing..
T~ Ball With Both babies!... Lizza you better come to atleast one game!
Whooaaa Too much work... I cant keep up!
When it is raining I will post more... So expect it soon were soppossed to get rain for the next 2-3 days and LOTS of it!
Friday, April 13, 2007
Young or Old, Black or White, Male or Female, Serving or Not… I think we ALL need to stop what ever we are doing for 5 minutes and watch this video, for the MEN & WOMEN stopped what they were doing in there EVERYDAY life to go FIGHT for US ALL, some to NEVER return to doing what they were, MOST will return…but will they be the same…I think WE ALL know the answer to that. So every morning when you wake, think of them and say a prayer that GOD will watch over them TODAY and EVERYDAY to keep them SAFE and ALIVE. At dinner think of them and that they to have something warm to eat. And at bedtime for there SAFE return home to tuck in THOSE they MISS & LOVE so much.
Love, Lizza
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Anger? Pity?
Today it all came flooding back. I went to Walmart to get a few items. Shopped and even ate at McDonald's with the boys. Anyway, I came back to van buckled the boys in car seats and proceeded to put the things in the van that were purchased. Opened front van door and noticed papers were everywhere. MIND YOU IT IS VERY VERY WINDY TODAY! I thought very little of it at first. Until I had to move EVERY item out of the way. I have a longaberger basket between the driver and passenger seat that holds DVDs and such. It was dumped on the floor of the passenger side. I immediately realized that someone had been in my van and could still be. I got the boys out and said oops we forgot something. ( I said that in case someone was inside they would not hurt the boys or I and hopefully they would get out and leave.) I went inside and called the police. The police said there was nothing they could do, I didn't see anyone. Took report and left. I got home and started organizing my van again. Nothing was missing besides the change I had in the "dish". I however had my bible in the van.... I don't go to church every week but my bible is something I value. It was ripped up and shredded. That angers me more then anything... I wish I had a DVD or something stolen... Even if they took my bible that is better then destroying it!
I AM at a loss for words! I just don't understand. Again I feel as I did having a gun shoved into my side so hard that I actually was bruised... I just don't get it! I don't know if I should be mad or pity the person that did this!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Monday, April 09, 2007
Easter Let Down
Friday, April 06, 2007
Remote Control?
I tried to take a picture of the pile of remotes we have purchased that seem to get thrown around and broken. Then the kids take them and play with them when they no longer work.
I bought a couple of universal remotes back around Christmas and for some reason they ALWAYS work for the satellite but the T.V. button doesn't stay programed. Geesh! After posting yesterday, I thought I am GRUMPY and I am going to watch a little television. DARN remote! I tossed it to the other end of the couch, got online to find a phone number to call RCA. WHAT?? You can ONLY email them.? SO I did. I was very aggravated. Three whole hours later they emailed me back to tell me they did not make their phone number public on the RCA website and that they were sorry for my aggravation and gave me a 800 number to call them! IT WAS AUTOMATED! I pressed 1 for this and 1 for that then 2 and 3 and SO ON...
I got this message that said ... GET THIS
Step one.. Remove batteries from the remote, if they are old get new ones and set aside until ALL steps are complete.
Step two. Press and hold any button for 60 seconds with out releasing the button.
Step three. Put batteries in remote making sire they are installed properly
Step four. Re- program the codes for your devices
You have now reset your remote, Thanks for calling RCA. Goodbye!
Thinking.... How does this reset a remote? There are No batteries in the remote... Like this will work! Give me a break RCA! I tried it.... It did work and it has not lost programming yet. I don't believe it! That was all I had to do? I didn't have to spend 19.95 on a remote COUNTLESS times just to sit on my butt and watch T.V.....
I am SO laughing out loud right now. I sound like a GRUMP! Still laughing! I guess it took typing this out to see it... I am grumpy! Maybe laughter will cure me... Still laughing. Oh dear!
Also about yesterdays post, I was NOT trying to offend anyone about yesterdays post. I know that you all mean well. I just had enough. Being grumpy and then going to Walmart where there was someone to remain nameless asking WAY TOO many questions. Come on... I understand that people are concerned and don't understand. I have felt the same in the past before my husband was ever called away. I asked the same questions and now I know why people would roll their eyes or become upset.
I appreciate all the emails and comments regarding this, I am grateful that you are all thinking of us, and for the prayers going up! Thanks to you all. It is NOT always easy but I am PROUD of my husband and thankful to him and all the other men and women out there.
For some reason I am feeling a little better.... Maybe it is from the laughing out loud at how silly I have acted! I guess everyone is intitled to being a grump at times!
Hope that everyone has a GRUMP FREE day and have lots of laughter instead! I am for one going to try!
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Top 10 things Not to ask.. and the answers
I have a lot of friends with husbands who are deployed right now. For most of them this is at least their second or third deployment to go through as a couple. So the other day I was talking with a friend whose husband is currently deployed and we started talking about the most annoying things that usually well-meaning people say to us regarding deployments. We agreed that we are always polite in our responses and that we realize that the offending person usually had only the best of intentions. But here's what we came up with as the things we get asked or told that really make our skin crawl. They're not in any particular order. Feel free to add some of your own in the comments.
1. "Aren't you afraid that he'll be killed?" (This one ranks in at number one on my "duh" list. Of course we're afraid. We're terrified. The thought always lingers at the backs of our minds ---but thanks, you just brought it back to the front. Maybe next you can go ask someone with cancer if they're scared of dying.)
2. "I don't know how you manage. I don't think I could do it." (Though this is really annoying, I feel bad about mentioning it because I know that it is intended to be a compliment. Still, it's not like all of us military wives have been dreaming since childhood of the day we'd get to be anxious single moms who carry cell phones with us to the bathroom. We're not made of some mysterious matter that makes us more capable, we just got asked/told to take on a challenging job and we rose to the challenge.)
3. "At least he's not in Iraq." (This is the number one most annoying comment for my friends whose husbands are in Afghanistan. As one friend put it, "What do they think is happening in Afghanistan? A huge game of golf? Guys are fighting and dying over there, too."
4. "Do you think he'll get to come home for Christmas/anniversary/birthday/birth of a child/wedding/family reunion, etc?" (Don't you watch the news? No. They don't get to come home for any of these things. Please don't ask again.)
5. "What are you going to do to keep yourself busy while he's gone?" (Short answer: Try to keep my sanity. Maybe there's a military wife out there who gets bored when her husband leaves, but I have yet to meet her. For the rest of us, those with and without children, we find ourselves having to be two people. That keeps us plenty busy. We do get lonely, but we don't get bored.
6. "How much longer does he have until he can get out?" This one is annoying to many of us whether our husbands are deployed or not. Many of our husbands aren't counting down the days until they "can" get out. Many of them keep signing back up again and again because (gasp!) they love what they do.
7. "This deployment shouldn't be so bad, now that you're used to it." (Sure, we do learn coping skills. And we figure out ways to make life go smoother while the guys are gone. But it never gets easy and the bullets and bombs don't skip over our guys just because they've been there before. The worry never goes away.)
8. "My husband had to go to Europe for business once for three weeks. I totally know what you're going through." (This one is similar to number two. Do not equate your husband's three week trip to London/Omaha/Tokyo/etc. with a one-year deployment to a war zone. Aside from the obvious trip length difference, nobody shot at your husband or tried to blow him up with an I.E.D., your husband could call home pretty much any time he wanted to, he flew comfortably on a commercial plane, slept between crisp white sheets and ate well, paying for everything with an expense account. There is no comparison. We do not feel bonded to you in the slightest because of this comment and, if anything, we probably resent you a bit for comparing a combat deployment to a business trip.
9. "Don't you miss him?" (Like number one, this one gets a big "duh" from me. Of course we miss our husbands. If we didn't, we'd get divorced.)
10. "Where is that?" (I don't expect non-military folks to be able to find Anbar Province on a map, but they should know by now that it's in Iraq. Likewise, know that Kabul and Kandahar are in Afghanistan. Know that Muqtada al Sadr is the insurgent leader of the Mahdi Army in Iraq and that Sadr City is his home area. Know that Iran is a major threat to our country and that it is located between Afghanistan and Iraq. Our country has been at war in Afghanistan for six and a half years and at war in Iraq for four years. These basic facts are not secrets, they're on the news every night and in the papers every day ---and on maps everywhere. You've had time to learn it. Do your part by at least knowing what is going on.)
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
I want to Go........
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Snakes and Snails?? Oatmeal??
I am trying to nurse my sunburn so I slip off to the restroom and I hear SCREAMING!
MOMMMM!!!!! I come running....
Covered in Green slimmy Aloe Vera.... The youngest decided to get the entire container of oatmeal out and decorate. Boys are not soppossed to be made of oatmeal! Are they??????
Burnt toast
Oh to make things worse... Another pregnancy dream.
I dreamed I gave birth to a Fried, charred, brown, burnt up chicken. OH MY!
Running for the ALOE!