Thursday, October 05, 2006

A good day!

Today has been such a great day.. why you ask... well I dont know!

1. The weather is beautiful, a cool 60 degrees, no rain..
2. Went to Walmart and the boys BOTh sat in the cart WITHOUT fighting!
3. Went to Mcdonalds for lunch and they both ate every bite...
although mom was fed a bun off the floor... yuk, didnt relize it til looking at table to throw trash away that it was an extra. EWWWW
4. All 3 boys get flu shots tommorow instead of today.
5.THE NUMBER 1 REASON IS I just read about a blog friends morning and thought to myself I soooo can relate to her and am still grinning at what her child did...... Only because later I know my kids will probally do something similar. By the way if she reads this, Our cover to our big screen is gone ( had purchased a protective cover extra and kids broke ours.) So while theRE is NO LONGER A glare from the sun when the sun shines in, there is now NO extra protection from little boys!

Hope that everyones day is going well, mine is for NOW!


  1. Our protective cover is still there thank goodness! But I am sure it is just a matter of time! hee hee hee.. I think you should buy your boys a long shot nurf gun!


  2. I cannot log into blogger... I was wondering if you had the same problem.??

  3. Thanks for baby name suggestions on my blog. You had some great ones! I hope you check back again. Thanks again!
