Friday, April 06, 2007

Remote Control?

Does anyone know who actually invented the remote control? I guess that I could probably do a Google search and find out.. BUT!!

I tried to take a picture of the pile of remotes we have purchased that seem to get thrown around and broken. Then the kids take them and play with them when they no longer work.

I bought a couple of universal remotes back around Christmas and for some reason they ALWAYS work for the satellite but the T.V. button doesn't stay programed. Geesh! After posting yesterday, I thought I am GRUMPY and I am going to watch a little television. DARN remote! I tossed it to the other end of the couch, got online to find a phone number to call RCA. WHAT?? You can ONLY email them.? SO I did. I was very aggravated. Three whole hours later they emailed me back to tell me they did not make their phone number public on the RCA website and that they were sorry for my aggravation and gave me a 800 number to call them! IT WAS AUTOMATED! I pressed 1 for this and 1 for that then 2 and 3 and SO ON...
I got this message that said ... GET THIS
Step one.. Remove batteries from the remote, if they are old get new ones and set aside until ALL steps are complete.
Step two. Press and hold any button for 60 seconds with out releasing the button.
Step three. Put batteries in remote making sire they are installed properly
Step four. Re- program the codes for your devices

You have now reset your remote, Thanks for calling RCA. Goodbye!

Thinking.... How does this reset a remote? There are No batteries in the remote... Like this will work! Give me a break RCA! I tried it.... It did work and it has not lost programming yet. I don't believe it! That was all I had to do? I didn't have to spend 19.95 on a remote COUNTLESS times just to sit on my butt and watch T.V.....

I am SO laughing out loud right now. I sound like a GRUMP! Still laughing! I guess it took typing this out to see it... I am grumpy! Maybe laughter will cure me... Still laughing. Oh dear!

Also about yesterdays post, I was NOT trying to offend anyone about yesterdays post. I know that you all mean well. I just had enough. Being grumpy and then going to Walmart where there was someone to remain nameless asking WAY TOO many questions. Come on... I understand that people are concerned and don't understand. I have felt the same in the past before my husband was ever called away. I asked the same questions and now I know why people would roll their eyes or become upset.
I appreciate all the emails and comments regarding this, I am grateful that you are all thinking of us, and for the prayers going up! Thanks to you all. It is NOT always easy but I am PROUD of my husband and thankful to him and all the other men and women out there.
For some reason I am feeling a little better.... Maybe it is from the laughing out loud at how silly I have acted! I guess everyone is intitled to being a grump at times!
Hope that everyone has a GRUMP FREE day and have lots of laughter instead! I am for one going to try!


  1. Oh my goodness, that is hilarious about the remote!

  2. Hee. And here's to grump free days!


  3. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog AND leaving comments!!! =) It's nice to meet you! Your blog will be added to my favorite places to browse. =)

  4. You are such a crak up....thanks for making me giggle this morning!

  5. I have to go to Wal-Mart so my Grump Free Day is pretty much over before it begins.

    As to the remote...the whole Universal Remote thing is a mystery to does it know what all it controls? And what it doesn't? Why doesn't it accidentally open my garage door. Yes, I'm a techno-retard.
